Thursday, 21 March 2013

ODI 11g Agent Logging / Tracing

Hi Reader!
How are you? I hope you are having a really great day!
Here we have a new post about Agents… enjoy it!
In ODI 10g tracing was simple as starting the agent with Trace level( -V=2) Parameters where as in ODI 11g the tracing information needs to modified in the ODI-logging-config.XML
This post describes the different parameters and settings to configure ODI-logging-config.xml.
ODI-logging-config.xml is used to configure the ODI logging/tracing system .The different mapping between Java log levels and OJDL (Oracle Java Debugging Level) log levels is as follows:
Java log levelOJDL log level
and you can find the sufficient level of information about different parameters in the initial few lines of the ODI-logging-config.xml.
There are two ways you can edit the ODI-logging-config.xml . One at ODI Studio level and the other at Agent Level.
For ODI Studio: $ODI_HOME/oracledi/client/odi/bin/ODI-logging-config.xml
For ODI Standalone Agent  : $ODI_HOME/oracledi/agent/bin/ODI-logging-config.xml .
Lets configure this xml with Trace level 32, highest level for Standalone Agent.

Step 1 . Change Log Folder and other settings  (Optional)

By default Logs are generate at the default agent folder usually%ODI_HOME%\oracledi\agent\log\${LOG_FILE}
If you wish to assign a different folder , you can modify the highlighted line and provide the appropriate path. You can also change the other setting if required.

Step 2 .  Add Tracing Level

Add the following line under the loggers

<logger level="TRACE:32" name="oracle.odi.agent" useparenthandlers="false">
<handler name="ODI-file-handler" />
<handler name="ODI-console-handler" />

Step 3 . Stop and Start the Agent again

Note :- The higher the tracing value the maximum the logging and so will be the file Size.

Configuring the ODI Logging at ODI Studio level (ie. Local(No Agent) )

In ODI 11g we can configure the logging configuration similar to above at ODI Studio level.
In order to do so go to ODI 11g Home and browse into Folder oracledi\client\odi\bin and edit ODI-logging-config.xml
$ODI_11G_HOME\oracledi\client\odi\bin\ODI-logging-config.xml and the logs are generated by default at
Similar to the above add appropriate tracing parameters and change other parameters if required

<logger name="oracle.odi.agent" level="TRACE:32" useParentHandlers="false">
<handler name="ODI-file-handler"/>
<handler name="ODI-console-handler"/>

Close and restart your ODI Studio and logging/tracing parameters will be reflected.
Thanks for visiting us.


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