Thursday, 21 March 2013

Oracle Data Integrator Architecture

The architecture of Oracle Data Integrator relies on different components that collaborate together, as described in Figure: Functional Architecture Overview.


The central component of the architecture is the Oracle Data Integrator Repository. It stores configuration information about the IT infrastructure, metadata of all applications, projects, scenarios, and the execution logs. Many instances of the repository can coexist in the IT infrastructure. The architecture of the repository is designed to allow several separated environments that exchange metadata and scenarios (for example: Development, Test, Maintenance and Production environments). In the figure above, two repositories are represented: one for the development environment, and another one for the production environment. The repository also acts as a version control system where objects are archived and assigned a version number. The Oracle Data Integrator Repository can be installed on an OLTP relational database.

The Oracle Data Integrator Repository is composed of a master repository and several Work Repositories. Objects developed or configured through the user interfaces are stored in one of these repository types.

There is usually only one master repository that stores the following information:

Security information including users, profiles and rights for the ODI platform

Topology information including technologies, server definitions, schemas, contexts, languages etc.

Versioned and archived objects.

The Work Repository is the one that contains actual developed objects. Several work repositories may coexist in the same ODI installation (for example, to have separate environments or to match a particular versioning life cycle). A Work Repository stores information for:

Models, including schema definition, datastores structures and metadata, fields and columns definitions, data quality constraints, cross references, data lineage etc.

Projects, including business rules, packages, procedures, folders, Knowledge Modules, variables etc.

Scenario execution, including scenarios, scheduling information and logs.

When the Work Repository contains only the execution information (typically for production purposes), it is then called an Execution Repository.

User Interfaces

Administrators, Developers and Operators use the Oracle Data Integrator Studio to access the repositories. This Fusion Client Platform (FCP) based UI is used for administering the infrastructure (security and topology), reverse-engineering the metadata, developing projects, scheduling, operating and monitoring executions.

Business users (as well as developers, administrators and operators), can have read access to the repository, perform topology configuration and production operations through a web based UI called Oracle Data Integrator Console. This Web application can deployed in a Java EE application server such as Oracle WebLogic.

ODI Studio provides four Navigators for managing the different aspects and steps of an ODI integration project:
Topology Navigator
Designer Navigator
Operator Navigator
Security Navigator

Topology Navigator

Topology Navigator is used to manage the data describing the information system's physical and logical architecture. Through Topology Navigator you can manage the topology of your information system, the technologies and their datatypes, the data servers linked to these technologies and the schemas they contain, the contexts, the language and the agents, as well as the repositories. The site, machine, and data server descriptions will enable Oracle Data Integrator to execute the same interfaces in different environments.

Designer Navigator

Designer Navigator is used to design data integrity checks and to build transformations such as for example:

Automatic reverse-engineering of existing applications or databases

Graphical development and maintenance of transformation and integration interfaces

Visualization of data flows in the interfaces

Automatic documentation generation

Customization of the generated code

The main objects you handle through Designer Navigator are Models and Projects.

Operator Navigator

Operator Navigator is the production management and monitoring tool. It is designed for IT production operators. Through Operator Navigator, you can manage your interface executions in the sessions, as well as the scenarios in production.

Security Navigator

Security Navigator is the tool for managing the security information in Oracle Data Integrator. Through Security Navigator you can create users and profiles and assign user rights for methods (edit, delete, etc) on generic objects (data server, datatypes, etc), and fine-tune these rights on the object instances (Server 1, Server 2, etc).

Design-time Projects

A typical project is composed of several steps and milestones.

Some of these are:

Define the business needs

Identify and declare the sources and targets in the Topology

Design and Reverse-engineer source and target data structures in the form of data models

Implement data quality rules on these data models and perform static checks on these data models to validate the data quality rules

Develop integration interfaces using datastores from these data models as sources and target

Develop additional components for tasks that cannot be achieved using interfaces, such as Receiving and sending e-mails, handling files (copy, compress, rename and such), executing web services

Integrate interfaces and additional components for building Package workflows

Version your work and release it in the form of scenarios

Schedule and operate scenarios.

Oracle Data Integrator will help you cover most of these steps, from source data investigation to metadata lineage, and through loading and data quality audit. With its repository, Oracle Data Integrator will centralize the specification and development efforts and provide a unique architecture on which the project can rely to succeed.

Run-Time Agent

At design time, developers generate scenarios from the business rules that they have designed. The code of these scenarios is then retrieved from the repository by the Run-Time Agent. This agent then connects to the data servers and orchestrates the code execution on these servers. It retrieves the return codes and messages for the execution, as well as additional logging information – such as the number of processed, execution time etc. - in the Repository.

The Agent comes in two different flavors:

The Java EE Agent can be deployed as a web application and benefit from the features of an application server.

The Standalone Agent runs in a simple Java Machine and can be deployed where needed to perform the integration flows.

Both these agents are multi-threaded java programs that support load balancing and can be distributed across the information system. This agent holds its own execution schedule which can be defined in Oracle Data Integrator, and can also be called from an external scheduler. It can also be invoked from a Java API or a web service interface.

An integration interface is an Oracle Data Integrator object stored that enables the loading of one target datastore with data transformed from one or more source datastores, based on declarative rules implemented as mappings, joins, filters and constraints.

An integration interface also references the Knowledge Modules (code templates) that will be used to generate the integration process.


A datastore is a data structure that can be used as a source or a target in an integration interface. It can be:

a table stored in a relational database

an ASCII or EBCDIC file (delimited, or fixed length)

a node from a XML file

a JMS topic or queue from a Message Oriented Middleware

a node from a enterprise directory

an API that returns data in the form of an array of records

Regardless of the underlying technology, all data sources appear in Oracle Data Integrator in the form of datastores that can be manipulated and integrated in the same way. The datastores are grouped into data models. These models contain all the declarative rules –metadata - attached to datastores such as constraints.

Declarative Rules

The declarative rules that make up an interface can be expressed in human language, as shown in the following example: Data is coming from two Microsoft SQL Server tables (ORDERS joined to ORDER_LINES) and is combined with data from the CORRECTIONS file. The target SALES Oracle table must match some constraints such as the uniqueness of the ID column and valid reference to the SALES_REP table.

Data must be transformed and aggregated according to some mappings expressed in human language as shown in Figure: Example of a business problem.

Data Flow

Business rules defined in the interface are automatically converted into a data flow that will carry out the joins filters, mappings, and constraints from source data to target tables.

By default, Oracle Data Integrator will use the Target RBDMS as a staging area for loading source data into temporary tables and applying all the required mappings, staging filters, joins and constraints. The staging area is a separate area in the RDBMS (a user/database) where Oracle Data Integrator creates its temporary objects and executes some of the rules (mapping, joins, final filters, aggregations etc.). When performing the operations this way, Oracle Data Integrator behaves like an E-LT as it first extracts and loads the temporary tables and then finishes the transformations in the target RDBMS.

In some particular cases, when source volumes are small (less than 500,000 records), this staging area can be located in memory in Oracle Data Integrator's in-memory relational database – In-Memory Engine. Oracle Data Integrator would then behave like a traditional ETL tool.

Figure: Oracle Data Integrator Knowledge Modules in action shows the data flow automatically generated by Oracle Data Integrator to load the final SALES table. The business rules will be transformed into code by the Knowledge Modules (KM). The code produced will generate several steps. Some of these steps will extract and load the data from the sources to the staging area (Loading Knowledge Modules - LKM). Others will transform and integrate the data from the staging area to the target table (Integration Knowledge Module - IKM). To ensure data quality, the Check Knowledge Module (CKM) will apply the user defined constraints to the staging data to isolate erroneous records in the Errors table.

Oracle Data Integrator Knowledge Modules contain the actual code that will be executed by the various servers of the infrastructure. Some of the code contained in the Knowledge Modules is generic. It makes calls to the Oracle Data Integrator Substitution API that will be bound at run-time to the business-rules and generates the final code that will be executed.

At design time, declarative rules are defined in the interfaces and Knowledge Modules are only selected and configured.
At run-time, code is generated and every Oracle Data Integrator API call in the Knowledge Modules (enclosed by <% and %>) is replaced with its corresponding object name or expression, with respect to the metadata provided in the Repository. The generated code is orchestrated by Oracle Data Integrator run-time component - the Agent – on the source and target systems to make them perform the processing, as defined in the E-LT approach.


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