I would describe how to generate scenario notification through email.
In figure below there is main package which contains two scenario's A & B and two email notifications one for success & other for failure.
Failure email notification will be generated when the execution of the main package fails & similarly the Success email notification will be generated when the package is executed successfully.
1.Just Drag the Scenario A & B within the main package for which success/failure notification is to be sent.
2. From tool box drag the OdiSendMail & name it as SUCCESS.
3. From tool box drag the OdiSendMail & name it as FAILURE.
4. Open the properties tab of SUCCESS add the following details.
Mail Server:
From: ODI@gmail.com
To: [neeraj.singh@gmail.com]
Cc: neeraj.singh@gmail.com
BCc: neeraj.singh@gmail.com
Subject:: SUCESSFULLY EXECUTED:<%=odiRef.getSession( "SCEN_NAME" )%> Load.
Attcahment: ABC.xml
Session Name: <%=odiRef.getSession( "SCEN_NAME" )%>
Session Version: <%=odiRef.getSession( "SCEN_VERSION" )%>
Session No: <%=odiRef.getSession( "SESS_NO" )%>
Context: <%=odiRef.getSession( "CONTEXT_NAME" )%>
Session Begin: <%=odiRef.getSession("SESS_BEG")%>
4. Open the properties tab of FAILURE add the following details.
Mail Server:
From: ODI@gmail.com
To: [neeraj.singh@gmail.com]
Cc: neeraj.singh@gmail.com
BCc: neeraj.singh@gmail.com
Subject:: FAILED :<%=odiRef.getSession( "SCEN_NAME" )%> Load.
Session Name: <%=odiRef.getSession( "SCEN_NAME" )%>
Session Version: <%=odiRef.getSession( "SCEN_VERSION" )%>
Session No: <%=odiRef.getSession( "SESS_NO" )%>
Context: <%=odiRef.getSession( "CONTEXT_NAME" )%>
Session Begin: <%=odiRef.getSession("SESS_BEG")%>
5. Link Scenario "B" to the step "SUCCESS" through the "OK" ( Next step on success) present on the upper pane
6. Link Scenario "B" to the step "FAILURE" through the "KO" ( Next step on failure) present on the upper pane
7. Now generate the scenario for the main package example "C" with version "001".
Execute the Scenarion "C".
If it is successfully executed you will recieve the success email.
If it is failed you will recieve the Failure email.
You can add & modify the notification reports. For this you can do some tricky things
for example you do the following tasks.
can export the log through attachment.
can create the log of the previous step through "<%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog( <> )%>"
can the add the target schema & source schema deatils through
"<%=odiRef.getSchemaName("D")%>" & "<%=odiRef.getCatalogName( "D")%>"
Nice Post!!!
Is it possible to get the details about the load plan like name, end_date, errors (if any) for sending email? how can we acheive this?
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